Structured Cabling

Structured Cabling Systems are at the base of a modern information network. Designed to accommodate quickly and cost effectively frequent movements, additions and changes a Structured Cabling System can alleviate workflow disruptions and network downtime associated with enterprise restructuring.

According to International Engineering Consortium, an internationally standardized Structured Cabling System and consolidated cable delivery methods for all the systems can reduce initial construction costs for the cabling infrastructure of a modern intelligent building by up to 30 percent. From an investment point of view Structured Cabling provides an exceptional ROI. A Structured Cabling system will outlive all other networking components and will require only minimal upgrades.

Structured Cabling is defined as building or campus telecommunications cabling infrastructure that consists of a number of standardized smaller elements (hence structured) called sub-systems. Structured Cabling is of an industrial standard, which is used throughout the building and works as the building’s backbone network. In all new and refurbished buildings, telephone and fax services are also provided using Structured Cabling. The advantages of Structured Cabling include reliability, flexibility and ease of installation.

Benefits of Structured Cabling

  • Consistency: Same cables exist everywhere in the building
  • Support of multi-vendor equipment: You can mix and match vendors
  • Simplifies movements, additions and changes: As your company grows and/or moves locations, with Structured Cabling your network resources are always ready to go.
  • Simplifies troubleshooting: With Structuring Cabling, problems are easier to isolate and fix
  • Support for future applications: A Cat 5 or Cat 6 compliant system will support future applications with little (if any) system upgrades